McCabe Jamrosz: History is Written by Old Rich White Men
McCabe Jamrosz: Honk if your Struggling
McCabe Jamrosz: Capitol Anarchy
Tyler Merbler: Occupy CAMERAS
Tyler Merbler: Occupy May Day
Tyler Merbler: UNITE HERE!
Bill A: Listening to a Speaker at the "Occupy Baltimore" May Day Activities
Bill A: Holding Up The "Y" in the SOLIDARITY Banner at the Occupy Baltimore May Day Activities
sandy's dad: nex 101011_02444
sandy's dad: nex 101011_02436
sandy's dad: nex 101011_02404
sandy's dad: nex 101011_02305
sandy's dad: nex 101110_02537
sandy's dad: nex 101011_02429 comp
sandy's dad: nex 101011_02316 comp
sandy's dad: nex 101211_02466 comp
sandy's dad: nex 101211_02550 planet
Bill A: Making a Statement on "Black Friday" at the Occupy Baltimore site in 2011
Bill A: "We're Not Gonna Take It..."
Bill A: A Quotation from Frank Zappa Spelled Out with Popcorn Kernels
Forsaken Fotos: Occupy Baltimore by dmr
patrickjoust: Occupy Baltimore
patrickjoust: Occupy Baltimore