Conor O'Reilly: Waiting for a prayer
Keith Anthony: Dalkey Lobster Festival. Poor fella didn't stand a chance :)
Keith Anthony: Pissing rain outside. Just me and this little prick keeping me company.
Keith Anthony: Howth in the distance #dunlaoghaire
Keith Anthony: Sitting here and having my morning coffee. T'is wild out there. #DunLaoghaire
Keith Anthony: The iconic poolbeg in the background.
Keith Anthony: A seagull was crying like a little bitch when I was taking this. His bread was robbed by another big one. Delighted.
Keith Anthony: Dublin.
Keith Anthony: Four Courts.
Conor O'Reilly: Ballinskelligs Bay. A fine thing to see.
Conor O'Reilly: Waiting for something to happen...
Conor O'Reilly: Evening sun. Liberty Hall. Liffey. Brush stroke of jet stream. Savage.
Conor O'Reilly: No highrise around here but still a nice bit of #sunset action courtesy of the Beechdale green!
Conor O'Reilly: Maynooth Castle, Co. Kildare.
Conor O'Reilly: Ruins with purpose...
Conor O'Reilly: Ceiling symmetry
Conor O'Reilly: #Dublin sun at its bluest.
Conor O'Reilly: Pillars of power and prosperity.
Conor O'Reilly: Tonight says goodnight.
Conor O'Reilly: Blackberries ripening on a drystone wall.
Conor O'Reilly: Lough Currane
Keith Anthony: These boyos flying overhead this morning.
Keith Anthony: I heard grown men scream on this.
Keith Anthony: Big Wheel
Keith Anthony: Dun Laoghaire Fun Fair
Keith Anthony: Nice end to a great evening over in Dun Laoghaire. Didn't get a candy floss though.
Keith Anthony: Beautiful evening in Dun Laoghaire. #Dublin
Keith Anthony: Great game of Football Golf or Footee as it's called with the lads today.