CWhatPhotos: Away to Marmaris Turkey, June 2023.
alejop67f2etrs: _4231269
alejop67f2etrs: _4231338 copy
alejop67f2etrs: _4231332 copy
alejop67f2etrs: _4231258 copy
alejop67f2etrs: _4190917 copy
rustman: Petunias on the back porch
alejop67f2etrs: _4231316rise
alejop67f2etrs: _4231347brite
onthestreetnz: stepping
onthestreetnz: Street portrait
rustman: Green Anole
rustman: Tickseed
alejop67f2etrs: _4200966 hotels
jann3_: May Day in Helsinki 2
jann3_: May Day in Helsinki
alejop67f2etrs: _4231339 copyf
onthestreetnz: doing cartwheel
onthestreetnz: busking (checking songs)
onthestreetnz: Friends
rustman: Roses
alejop67f2etrs: _2210672 calle
alejop67f2etrs: _2210726 cielo
alejop67f2etrs: _B100038 copy
alejop67f2etrs: _B100049 copy