Tommy Lai: rubberfly
drbonn: Pulsatilla vulgaris
sviet73: Charançon
Enzio H.: Blaue Passionsblumenfalter (Heliconius Cydno)
PietervH: March Fly
Bumbus: Taubenschwänzchen
alfvet: Yes ........ there is a party !! (Explore)
drbonn: Aurorafalter
drbonn: glänzende Schwarzstirnschwebfliege
YoyoFreelance: Athyma cama zoroastres (male) 雙色帶蛺蝶 (雄)
Bumbus: Pieris napi
roterrenner: Hauhechel-Bläuling (Polyommatus icarus)
Glenn van Windt: Euthrix potatoria
John Carson Hart tests done waiting for results: Wasp (15) and if you look at the back end you can see where it just had a wee
tajong: Lanternbug Spitzkopfzikade Pyrops karenia
drbonn: Galanthus
»DaLMaTiNo«: Sweeper Level 4-5
drbonn: Galanthus
annegbt: Calliteara pudibunda 1
roterrenner: Brauner Waldvogel (Aphantopus hyperantus)
tajong: Heliocypha perforata limbata
M.Shafiq Chandaiser: Tersa Sphinx Moth Caterpillar (4)
Martin Cooper Ipswich: Volucella inanis
José Miguel Atienza: Ladybird on Aaron's beard
annegbt: Mouche 2
John Carson Hart tests done waiting for results: Dark-footed Häubling Fungi (61) Can see how small it is with the 20p coin to the Left of it
Bienenwabe: Flowers of a Japanese Quince in my garden.