``` November Rain ```: Arden was beautiful right out of the box
``` November Rain ```: Marrakech Melange NRFB
charcoal soul: November costume change: Claudia
charcoal soul: Hair tied back
charcoal soul: Yellow Eyes
charcoal soul: She's free!
charcoal soul: Before opening
je_aime_dieu: BaD Nov 29
``` November Rain ```: Glorious blonde with rosey cheeks!
``` November Rain ```: Cousin Olivia's stock outfit
je_aime_dieu: BaD crime
``` November Rain ```: Cousin Olivia doing her forest girl thing
je_aime_dieu: BaD holiday party
je_aime_dieu: BaD laundry
charcoal soul: Blythe A Day February 4: Magic In The Makeup
charcoal soul: Festive Felix
Inna and her Blythes: 2021-09 Violetina (PD3Vi) & Violet (PD1V)
``` November Rain ```: Vanessa the beauty queen
``` November Rain ```: 20 Years of Love fresh out of the box
``` November Rain ```: SBL Cousin Olivia
charcoal soul: Retro Mama Al Fresco
charcoal soul: Vintage version: Retro Mama Al Fresco
charcoal soul: Maud close up
charcoal soul: me and Maud
``` November Rain ```: Raspberry Sorbet - I'd rather be Blything
``` November Rain ```: Samedi Marche and her stock undies