DJ Fabietto: La mia creazione! Stampante 3D in acciaio 3 mm.
connors934: Boston Fab Lab cupcake
connors934: Joe speaking about 3d printing, Sean and Kelly on left, Joe on right
connors934: makerWave prototype archive
connors934: 3D printer Census World Maker Faire 2011
connors934: Josh's first 3D print
connors934: Examining a print
connors934: Printing a bottle opener
connors934: Waiting to print
connors934: Boston area Makerbot at Sprout Aug 2011
connors934: Mini Maker
connors934: IMG_3754
connors934: IMG_3742
connors934: IMG_3691
connors934: IMG_3746
connors934: IMG_20110326_113559.jpg
connors934: Mini Maker in red
connors934: MiniMaker from above
connors934: IMG_20110324_221602.jpg
connors934: IMG_20110324_220544.jpg
connors934: IMG_20110324_215914.jpg
connors934: IMG_20110324_220556.jpg