a.klimczyk: Kaziulek
kerryhobbs111: Daisy and her shadow
keri4321: She's getting so big!
keri4321: She's getting so big!
keri4321: She's getting so big!
a.klimczyk: Kaziulek
kerryhobbs111: DSCF3537
keri4321: Abby
keri4321: Abby
joanna.holland1980: My little Lilly
kerryhobbs111: Daisy by the river
kerryhobbs111: Daisy tries to look grumpy but she likes to pose for photos really
kerryhobbs111: IMG_163277752668767
Kat & Dog: Comfy Chica.
kerryhobbs111: Daisy enjoying the sunshine
willis 10.: SNOW MAX
picturesbywalther: expectation
willis 10.: SNOW MAX 2
joanna.holland1980: Having fun on the beach..
a.klimczyk: Kazik
picturesbywalther: and action...
a.klimczyk: Kazik na zimowym spacerze
a.klimczyk: Kazik na zimowym spacerze
a.klimczyk: Zimowy spacer