backpacker2310: Abandoned, rusted and forgotten
jose luis naussa (+3-7 millones: # Chatarra ♣ Παλιοσιδερικά #
backpacker2310: Edessa Railway Station
backpacker2310: Over the edge
Storyteller.....: Day 33:Is for...The Iron Seagulls
Storyteller.....: Day 5: Is for...The Trains We have MIssed
Storyteller.....: Day 3:Is for ... The Passenger
Storyteller.....: The terminal
teogera: Katerini - railway station (5)
teogera: Katerini - railway station (6)
teogera: Katerini - railway station (4)
teogera: Aliakmon's abandoned railway bridge
teogera: Τρίκαλα Σ.Σταθμός-Trikala R.Station
teogera: Όταν τά τραίνα πεθαίνουν - When trains die
teogera: Γυρίζοντας στό παρελθόν - Back to Time
teogera: Train from Milies to Volos - Greece
teogera: Katerini - railway station (2)
teogera: Railway Station of Katerini 1989 (1)
teogera: Railway Station of Katerini 1989 (2)
teogera: Waiting for the train
teogera: Katerini - railway station
teogera: Trikala Railway station
vtsouptsis: Blue Window
nikos__pot: Old Greek Railways Roadrail and some light in Athens untitled (1 of 1)-53
terapics: aa-4403.jpg
terapics: aa-4410.jpg
terapics: aa-4428.jpg