Bermudicus: Zorse- Yes, a mix of a Zebra and Horse 2
Bermudicus: DSC_5057
Bermudicus: DSC_5054
Bermudicus: Horse out to Pasture
Bermudicus: DSC_5122
Bermudicus: DSC_5086
mike1503: .tulips 2
mike1503: .purple flower
mike1503: .derlict 33
mike1503: .guardians
mike1503: .torn pages
mike1503: .museum of scotland, detail
*Canon Girl*: Wood for the trees.....
*Canon Girl*: Aqualiga
*Canon Girl*: Fade Away
*Canon Girl*: Lonely swan
*Canon Girl*: Blue skies yellow fields
*Canon Girl*: Sundown
alvinb00: Our way
alvinb00: Passes by
alvinb00: Flash the Bag
alvinb00: With Poise
alvinb00: Here
alvinb00: Winter Sonata
alvinb00: Assertive