PiercarloT: a lamp in Verona
Maureen Bond: Highway Dust
Maureen Bond: "Flowers don't worry about how they're going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful."
Maureen Bond: watch your step
Maureen Bond: power of one
Maureen Bond: tumble weeds make me giggle
Maureen Bond: California Poppy Hill
Maureen Bond: mirror of nature
Maureen Bond: Pepper is down
Sean Anderson Media: Edge of the Forest
Maureen Bond: A secret is not something unrevealed, but something told privately, in a whisper
Maureen Bond: no road
Maureen Bond: on desert time
Maureen Bond: Face to the Sun, shadows fall behind
Maureen Bond: "where there is one, there are many"
Maureen Bond: Not all who wander are lost...
Sean Anderson Media: Sun Behind Trees
Sean Anderson Media: Window in the Wall
Lan Mistress: Ducks in Monte Claro park
Lan Mistress: Textures of Gorropu
Lan Mistress: Gorropu
Rob Wharton Images: Just Chillin