portmantō: Would you like to be your own oppressor? [ feb 2018 ]
portmantō: book of james
portmantō: holland-tunnel-short
brianjinx: wade in the water
brianjinx: clown2-22
brianjinx: columbus
brianjinx: r e m o t e v i e w i n g featuring the very talented and beautiful @missanthropejones taken from her 'going up' video, processed by me. VHS gifs can be seen on my tumblr and gifboom @brianjinx
brianjinx: sdenly3
brianjinx: ulns3-39
brianjinx: rfx3
brianjinx: fire
portmantō: burleskfeathers-beads-mosh loop
KAYAMOONEY: Messing Around With Photos in Audacity
voltage controlled filter: Circuit Bent DVD Player.
voltage controlled filter: Circuit Bent DVD Player.
voltage controlled filter: Circuit Bent DVD Player.
voltage controlled filter: Circuit Bent DVD Player.
portmantō: data painting (shark) 27s
junior_hacksaw: rainbow wave 1
junior_hacksaw: split spiral 2
junior_hacksaw: rainbow wave 2
junior_hacksaw: demon tails
junior_hacksaw: cold red
junior_hacksaw: the cravass
junior_hacksaw: 2 levels
junior_hacksaw: Sine Wave Kelp