Aaron Eakin: The Palouse Swirl
himitsuhana: Prelude to the storm
FilO-tography: Twin Peaks in B/W
himitsuhana: The moment of change is the only poem.
Helen Warner (airgarten): Aimée in white
Federica Erra: Les Folies Bergère & Madama Borsetta
Ars Antigua: Despair
Ars Antigua: The Right Way of Walking
himitsuhana: Could it think, the heart would stop beating
Ars Antigua: The Night Garden
Ars Antigua: The Search for Extrasolar Planets
ZapperDoodle (RBarrettPhotography): 22/52 If you leave, don’t leave now. Please don’t take my heart away.....
eskedahl: clovers
Ostrakòn: Crowded water
Helen Warner (airgarten): The River Dreams
anka_zhuravleva: the jar with fireflies
anka_zhuravleva: the volume with clouds
Ostrakòn: Picnic (in Floridiana)
Ostrakòn: V for Victory
Amy Ballinger: the aftermath