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roxi firanelli: The Daisy Fairy
Kaelyn Elara: Everything is owl-right! ♥
roxi firanelli: LAQ Elle for EvoX
roxi firanelli: Home for the Holidays
Lilo Denimore ::::ChicChica::::: Christmas tree, my Christmas tree
Kaelyn Elara: Keeping warm
Kaelyn Elara: "Yes, please share the story about the four turtles..."
Kaelyn Elara: Every blade of grass has it's angel that bends over it and whispers: "Grow, grow..."
Kaelyn Elara: Moon child
MellyBean Sassypants: You say you like my shirt My shirt You say you like my hat My hat Oh but you never say you like me.
ღαyυღ: 2023.10.11 Halloween🎃
MellyBean Sassypants: Shes a little batty but shes all girlie
Kaelyn Elara: I don't think you realize what a masterpiece you really are
Kaelyn Elara: Let's fly a kite
MellyBean Sassypants: Its raining today
Kaelyn Elara: Hello again :)
roxi firanelli: Sunday morning @ the farmers market
roxi firanelli: Transitioning to pumpkin spice season
roxi firanelli: perfectly imperfect