froststrand: the long war
froststrand: princesses and pirates
Subsequent Wickedness: Like taking Candy from Babies
Subsequent Wickedness: Pursuing the Posh # 1
froststrand: mechanical elephant
1Incredulous1: Ugly Ppl store special
1Incredulous1: Room with a view
Subsequent Wickedness: The revenge upon her would be sweet, even though it was purely theoretical.
Subsequent Wickedness: Why Drinking can be bad for you
froststrand: ode to degas
froststrand: the entrance
froststrand: vacation
froststrand: stripes
froststrand: i don't know why
eleda 1: Double trouble
eleda 1: Relaxation is such hard work
eleda 1: See I CAN fit into this box !!!!!
eleda 1: How do dominoes go to the toilet???
Mark Coley: What a hairdo
eleda 1: It was wet and muddy at our local country show
Mark Coley: Long Necked Swan
eleda 1: Taking pictures LESSON 1-------- make sure you have no distracting backgrounds
eleda 1: No internet access
eleda 1: tcake the Christmas cat
willow2k: EEEEEK! I scared myselves!
Mr.Arwazoo: help!!!
BigTel: Four Candles