alcides OTA: Autumn Leaf
Bits On Twigs: SULPHUR TUFT Hypholoma fasciculare
antonychammond: A Cascade of Red and Orange at Sheffield Park & Garden
odileva: La nature se prépare à l'automne
Rob_Boon: 20170801-4651-Varen-bw
ctofcsco: Pine
joeke pieters: Many future dandelions
jungle mama: Ruby Longan is ripening ... yum!
saracenovero: Huperzia selago (14)
luigivalbusa: Lumachina.
Richard Collier - Wildlife and Travel Photography: Wolf's milk(Groening's slime) - Lycogala epidendrum (5)
evisdotter: Crabapples
hardmile: Frog Basking in Sunlight
John Carson Essex: Flowers or Insects do not go into this group
John Carson Essex: Flowers or Insects and MACRO ELITE (level 2) and Secret Forest - macros only sweep marker 2
johco266: I could see you there, lad
Rob_Boon: 20230506-1333-Akebia
Bits On Twigs: Petticoat Brittlestem Psathyrella artemisiae
Harald Steeg: ein Hauch von Winter
ACEZandEIGHTZ: Frog On The Wall (1)
Gert-Paassen: _dsc6696 Houtsknotszwam / Dead man's fingers
Rob_Boon: 20230506-1334-Akebia
Bits On Twigs: Common Bonnet
Richard Collier - Wildlife and Travel Photography: Common Stinkhorn - Phallus impudicus 150924 (7)
♥Adriënne - on/ off for healthproblems: spread your's autumn!
hardmile: Frog Posing for Camera I