bkkay1: Skate boarding to class.
bkkay1: Double-helix staircase.
bkkay1: Leveling off.
ChiDN: Allele
bkkay1: Wishful thinking.
bkkay1: UIC campus
bkkay1: Night snow.
bkkay1: Strong attachments.
bkkay1: Tough guy.
bkkay1: Into the light.
bkkay1: Campus courses.
bkkay1: Multifaceted.
bkkay1: The "I's" have it.
ChiDN: I Asked, he said OK
ChiDN: Autumn Call
ChiDN: Healers
ChiDN: Stairway Competition?
ChiDN: 2x3 T Rooted
ChiDN: Untitled
ChiDN: Drum Monkey
ChiDN: Large and Larger Pipes
ChiDN: Once a Street - S. Hermitage Ave.
ChiDN: Park
bkkay1: March for Science
ChiDN: Dental Redbud
bkkay1: Power washing away graffiti.
bkkay1: Man in the middle.
bkkay1: Skateboarding on campus.
bkkay1: Headed to class.
ChiDN: Campus Reflections