Allison Kendall: Spring rain, crocus
sarahamina: DSC_0245
olivicoltore: 遺落系列(65)
marivigb: Transparencias en las gotas
Spring_Photography: Tiny world inside!
Spring_Photography: Bodacious Beauty!
<Hana>: rose petal
Chridage: Efeu an Mauer
Torsten.Schwarz: Rosenknospen mit Tautropfen
Peter Maurer: Schneeglöckchen
João Batista**: flrs_0002cr
Pedro Manuel Martins Fernandes: the smallest of droplets...
Bakelaar en Waardenburg: After the rain
angelacappella (on/off): Centocchio (Stellaria media) - segue descrizione
Mr Winegettr: "El tomate, astro de tierra, estrella repetida y fecunda"
John Fenner: Orchid
giampieradettori: ROSA DI FINE ESTATE
Spring_Photography: Droplets world!
giampieradettori: ROSA DI FINE ESTATE.
Mikunian883: 2019蓮
iainwag: IMG_5859a
dave dube': Crispy morning ~ Frosty morning