carlfieler: angular planes of light
carlfieler: descension
carlfieler: converging unlikelihoods
fretkowe_: Lost in the magic garden
mitfoch: the night with Melancholia
fretkowe_: Misty
fretkowe_: made of water
isadora.jpg: goodnight
carlfieler: polka dots
fretkowe_: high hopes
fretkowe_: strange shapes
carlfieler: forest of ghosts
carlfieler: green pedestrian tunnel, Chicago
carlfieler: daymoon desert poppy
carlfieler: it watches you
carlfieler: rose in its true form
carlfieler: they are here
carlfieler: I am 37 today
carlfieler: teleportation
carlfieler: the desert
isadora.jpg: the dragon
carlfieler: here and elsewhere
carlfieler: self portrait in a gutter
carlfieler: twin sisters
carlfieler: Rainbow Harbor in Long Beach, CA
carlfieler: outdoor confinement
carlfieler: blending in to Brooklyn
carlfieler: LA County Fair II