CY Tam: Rolleiflex 75mm F/1:3.5 Medinm Format
Professor Bop: Poultry
navejo: St. Laurent Boulevard
Carl Campbell: Urban Bit III (Montreal 7 April 2024)
navejo: Junk
Carl Campbell: Café Terrace
woltarise: La pluie sur Montréal...
Johane Deslandes: Un beau cadeau de la RATP de Paris! /A great gift from the Paris RATP!
Johane Deslandes: Un édicule art nouveau à Montréal, au Canada!
navejo: Colour
Carl Campbell: Religious Leftover
Carl Campbell: Montreal Green Space
navejo: Bixi
lavallee63: IMG_6052_DxO
lavallee63: IMG_5699
lavallee63: IMG_5510_DxO-2
lavallee63: IMG_5974_capteur_reves
navejo: Black
Carl Campbell: Montreal Dining Spot II
CVIja(x): The difference between the men and the boys is the price of their toys.
navejo: Hidden View
navejo: Querbes