jmc-223: Birmingham City Centre in the distance
jmc-223: Chiffchaff
jmc-223: Pied Wagtail
jmc-223: Chiff Chaff
jmc-223: Pied Wagtail
jmc-223: Nuthatch
jmc-223: Robin
jmc-223: Chaffinch (f)
jmc-223: The Clent Hills
jmc-223: A bird on a wire..
jmc-223: A light in the distance...
jmc-223: Down on the farm
jmc-223: Kestrel in flight 2
jmc-223: Stonechat
jmc-223: Clent Hills
jmc-223: Reed Bunting
jmc-223: Linnets!
jmc-223: Siskin
jmc-223: Long Tailed Tit
jmc-223: Treecreeper
jmc-223: Linnet
jmc-223: The sun shines on the righteous..
jmc-223: Dunnock
caymanmamma: Romsley Sundown
jmc-223: Nuthatch
jmc-223: Fairy Fingers
jmc-223: If you go down in the woods today...
jmc-223: Butter Cap 2
jmc-223: Snapping Bonnet
jmc-223: Robin