Neil Pollick: Tahrir Square 11th June 2011
Neil Pollick: Tahrir Square 11th June 2011
Neil Pollick: Tahrir Square, Cairo - July 29th 2011
Neil Pollick: Tahrir Sq 10th April 2011
Neil Pollick: Tahrir Protests 8th April 2011
Neil Pollick: _MG_8550
Neil Pollick: Sign on
Neil Pollick: 8th April prayers
Neil Pollick: Tahrir Protests April 1st 2011
Neil Pollick: Tahrir Protests April 1st 2011
Neil Pollick: Tahrir Protests April 1st 2011
Neil Pollick: March 25th Tahrir Square Cairo
Neil Pollick: March 25th Tahrir Square Cairo - the fallacy that the army supported the revolution and the political naivity of the Egyptians
Neil Pollick: Battle with police - Cairo June 28th
Neil Pollick: Battle with police - Cairo June 28th
Neil Pollick: Battle with police - Cairo June 28th
Neil Pollick: Tahrir Square - 15th July 2011
Neil Pollick: Tahrir Square - 15th July 2011
Neil Pollick: Tahrir Sq Cairo - May 21st
Neil Pollick: May 27th Tahrir Square
Neil Pollick: May 27th Tahrir Square
Neil Pollick: May 27th Tahrir Square
Neil Pollick: May 27th Tahrir Square
Neil Pollick: May 27th Tahrir Square
Neil Pollick: May 27th Tahrir Square
Neil Pollick: May 27th Tahrir Square
Neil Pollick: May 27th Tahrir Square
Neil Pollick: Tahrir_Oct7_2011 (63)
Neil Pollick: Art show Cairo metro - June
iwys: Graffiti in Tahrir Square during the demonstrations