tilliboo_78: My Precious
tilliboo_78: My Precious
tilliboo_78: My Precious
tilliboo_78: Mipson
tilliboo_78: Mipson
Social Manager: Outfits for Blythe/Azone Body & Bjd 1/6
Social Manager: Outfits for Blythe/Azone Body & Bjd 1/6
wubbiebat: When you’re trying to take pics of your Blythe and your chihuahua has other ideas. Silly Lily! πŸ’œ
wubbiebat: 131/365 - Good night. 😴
wubbiebat: BaD March 13, 2017 - Pet
kit_kaht - Kat: A cat owner's visit to the vet
wubbiebat: BaD February 5, 2017 - Warm and Fuzzy
wubbiebat: 29/365 - Eg wanted to show you her dog bone necklace and some of her pets.
wubbiebat: 362/366 - A girl and her dog.
Ela y Fungilandia: La pequeña Molly de paseo con su gran amigo.
wubbiebat: 262/366 - Puppy love. πŸ’œ
wubbiebat: 242/366 - Chihuahuas.
Nerdy Book Lover: Pepper channels her evil person side.
wubbiebat: 168/366 - Excuse me Lily...I'm suppose to be the center of attention right now.
wubbiebat: 164/366 - My girls and grumpy cat.
wubbiebat: 155/366 - I'll play with you Lily, just stop putting Hedgie on my face, ewww!
wubbiebat: 144/366 - Eg and Lily. πŸ’œ
wubbiebat: 112/366 Buddies.πŸ’œ
wubbiebat: 100/366 - Eg and Lily, say "Go Hawks!!!"
wubbiebat: 83/366 - Eg is slowly winning Lily over.
Nerdy Book Lover: Don't know if I can call this first pipecleaner dog a success
wubbiebat: 50/366 Trying to watch a movie together and everyone is falling asleep. πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
soltitialis: DSC_0029
nube25: paula