Sea Moon: Gold Breasted Starling
Sea Moon: Very Tiny Zircon...
Sea Moon: Beehive 4...
Sea Moon: Steller's Sea Eagle Portrait...
Sea Moon: This Is Cracker Soul...
Sea Moon: Fluff Monster...(Moth Portrait)
Sea Moon: House Centipede-- Insect Nightmare...
Sea Moon: Hipster
Sea Moon: The Summer Before Everything.....
Sea Moon: House Centipede Compound Eye...
Sea Moon: Tranquilized 2...
Sea Moon: House Spider Tail...
Sea Moon: Tiny Wasp With Amazing Eyes...
Sea Moon: BFF...
Sea Moon: Grape Leafroller Moth
Sea Moon: Melon 1..
Sea Moon: Asparagus Beetle
Sea Moon: Moonlit Seed Head...
Sea Moon: Security...
Sea Moon: Newly Hatched...
Nᴉɹʌɐuɐ SQ: Mechanical Internalizations, Cognitive Transfigurations
Sea Moon: Hatching Day July 4th 2011...
Sea Moon: Cowtown
Sea Moon: Today's Double Rainbow July 3rd 2011...
Sea Moon: Death In The Shadows
Sea Moon: Insect Eggs On The Wall...
Sea Moon: Insect Eggs On The Wall Oblique View...
Sea Moon: Abbot's Sphinx Moth Side View
Sea Moon: Abbot's Sphinx Moth's "Tailfeathers"