jim telfer: Shotgun Shack
jim telfer: Custom House Quay
jim telfer: The Birds
jim telfer: Ocean view
jim telfer: Hanging on
jim telfer: The Crows
jim telfer: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
jim telfer: Furrowed
jim telfer: Nuts in May
jim telfer: Pea Souper
jim telfer: Guano
jim telfer: Continuous
jim telfer: Beyond the gate
jim telfer: On a hill far away
jim telfer: Spring Again
jim telfer: Upturned
jim telfer: Town Bridge
jim telfer: Black Bag
jim telfer: Into The Valley
jim telfer: Bolt Upright
jim telfer: Bean Poles
jim telfer: First of the Summer Wine
jim telfer: Tree-line
jim telfer: Stretch
jim telfer: Friar Waddon
jim telfer: Blue Bayou
jim telfer: Lifting
jim telfer: Stroll
jim telfer: Been.
jim telfer: Standing