johnbell18 (3M views): Stardust Dance
evi früher evioletta: gestern am Strand traf ich diese Weihnachtsmänner auf ihren Schlitten...
evi früher evioletta: diese Möwe im Husumer Hafen kann nicht lesen..
johnbell18 (3M views): National Harbor, MD
Randsom: P1110529
evi früher evioletta: am Strand liegt mein selbstgenähter Badeanzug- er ist schon getrocknet nach dem Bad in der Förde
johnbell18 (3M views): Skycoasters - Independence Day Show
evi früher evioletta: die Teddys gucken durch die Scheibe der kleinen Luftmatratze
johnbell18 (3M views): Carmen's Birthday Party
johnbell18 (3M views): Carmen's Birthday Party
johnbell18 (3M views): Parrots in Paradise
johnbell18 (3M views): Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
johnbell18 (3M views): Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
johnbell18 (3M views): North Shore, Honolulu
johnbell18 (3M views): Stardust Dance Cruise
johnbell18 (3M views): Stardust Dance
johnbell18 (3M views): Stardust Dance
johnbell18 (3M views): Stardust Dance
johnbell18 (3M views): Stardust Dance
johnbell18 (3M views): Stardust Dance
johnbell18 (3M views): Stardust Dance
johnbell18 (3M views): Stardust Dance
johnbell18 (3M views): Stardust Dance
johnbell18 (3M views): Cornhill Landing
johnbell18 (3M views): Tom and Tonya Dancing
johnbell18 (3M views): Stardust Dance Weekend
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johnbell18 (3M views): Canoeing along the Beautiful Erie Canal in Genesee Valley Park, Rochester, NY
johnbell18 (3M views): Owl Cafe, Tokyo, Japan