intr0spector: AllogrphicMachines_dissolved_drawing 1
intr0spector: Allographic Machines Object Without Skin
watz: Isoland002-04A-Render 02-sq - A Menagerie of Lopoly Oddity
watz: Another one of those weekends, #lopoly madness all around, the urge to #render constantly at my back. #geometry #abstraction #art #sketch
watz: Related but different, also misleading. Yes, that's an iso surface aka #blob (made with #Hemesh, thanks Fredrik!) But my intention is to model certain known topological features, specifically from the north of Norway. #processing #3d #geometry #sketch
watz: 20150202 Isoland - Rhino screens 15
watz: 20150201 Isoland 15
watz: 20150202 Isoland - Rhino screens 18
vormplus: Gold Bar Ring
vormplus: ColorMeshStudio
g corallo: 3248.6353testImg
g corallo: 4169.025testImg
vormplus: Hemesh Bezier Lathe
g corallo: mix4_sm
g corallo: sm_Serie Bilateral II colecciones nro 936
vormplus: Eggception
vormplus: Eggception
vormplus: Egg Lamp Prototype
vormplus: Egg Lamp Prototype
vormplus: Egg Lamp Prototype
vormplus: Egg Lamp Prototype
vormplus: Hemesh Gold Bars
vormplus: Slowly getting there…
intr0spector: difference153.57602
intr0spector: difference921.7964
intr0spector: difference217.18353
intr0spector: difference211.51817
vormplus: Egg Lamp
vormplus: Hemesh TriangleGrid
vormplus: hemesh_colored_faces