Torrey's D70: Rebecca's Gimpy Cankle
EsLaAlbahaca: November 2nd, 2011.
EsLaAlbahaca: November 2nd, 2011.
EsLaAlbahaca: February 17th, 2012.
EsLaAlbahaca: February 20th, 2012.
d h-j: Broken little toe
shaebay: Clarence the bruise
danncove99: Another Bruise
haley <3: FxCam_1318370324452
anne marie ♡: i bruise easily
Martha-Ann48: ouch!!
Camera for Kitty: this is what now?
danncove99: A bruise
Mister Shu: Bruise
outofthepinksky: Bruise on my wrist
outofthepinksky: Knee bruise 1
flavour404: bruise
Leader Of Men: broken toe
d h-j: 012
whitbywoof: My bruise
MeatyUrologist: Drunk Laundry, After 2