Duluoz Me: The Game
Duluoz Me: Paseo Matutino
Michael Lachance: After our dessert
Steve Ashby: Rainy Day at 4th & Market
Duluoz Me: There’s a metaphor here…
Steve Ashby: Amanda on 4th Street
Steve Ashby: Walnut 1
Steve Ashby: The Grid — Commerce Street
Steve Ashby: Andirondack Shadows — cyanotype
Conrad Ruble: Lock & Dam on the Moose River
Conrad Ruble: Big Moose Chapel | Eagle Bay, New York
Conrad Ruble: Last Catch
Steve Ashby: Hydraulic Shovels in the Mist: an earthy, yet moving, photograph
Steve Ashby: Carr-Hicks Cemetery — Eastham, Virginia. Cyanotype traditional formula, toned with sodium carbonate and trisodium phosphate
Steve Ashby: Beatrice Rogers’ Sidewalk — Eastham, Virginia. Cyanotype toned with lead acetate. Original shot on Astrum 64 loaded in a CanonP and reverse processed. 13.5 x 9.25 inch negative made on generic ortho sheet film.
Conrad Ruble: Moon Orchid II
Conrad Ruble: Hedgebog Rose
Conrad Ruble: Shrubby Cinquefoil
Conrad Ruble: False Spiraea
Conrad Ruble: Ferds Bog
Conrad Ruble: Butterfly Weed
Conrad Ruble: Swallowtail
Conrad Ruble: Zinnia
Conrad Ruble: Brazilian Jasmine | Stinson Vineyards | Crozet, Virginia
Conrad Ruble: Spotted Calla Lily
Conrad Ruble: Triceps | New York City
Conrad Ruble: African Violet III