Zulma (): las raíces no se ven
Michel Coutty: DSC_0165
crafty1tutu (Ann): Hello in there
moelynphotos: Seljalandsfoss-Southeast Iceland Waterfall (1)
pheαnix: Delaware River
Silver Lining1: lower yellowstone falls rainbow
Jesús Gabán: Río Ngo Dong. Tam Coc
SeeAmericasBest: IMG_4953 You Looking at Me? Glacier National Park
Maya Bolduan Photography: Perched Dragonfly
paraluci: bosco di Sant'Antonio
28naturelover: mirror on the water
jaygum_photo: Guarda-Rios (Alcedo Atthis) male/macho European-Kingfischer
Roger Benet: _DSC2612
Roger Benet: _DSC2616
anthemrdr: Tawhai Falls, Whakapapa Village, NZ
Mawrter: Northern Pintail in flight
Chrisser: Eastern Black Swallowtail Caterpillar
Ozelico: Días de otoño
Pere_olivella: plena de polen
Josh152: After the Rain.jpg
Lynnette Henderson: Monticello TRUMPETER SWANS
Lynnette Henderson: Monticello TRUMPETER SWANS
Trov@dor: Sunrise
Mellon 99: Sunset over Rehoboth Bay
Mellon 99: Light Rays
Chris the lonetraveller: Watchful stoat (in wild)
bjarne.stokke: Svane i kveldslys
Luke-rative: ShoreBreak
瑞士大龙: 天網恢恢疎にして漏らさず【てんもうかいかいそにしてもらさず】