divewizard: Chocolate Face - Nikon N55 - AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 D - TMAX 400
Rossi Projects NY: Bus Driver
yasoki: Driving ? Eating?
ruttita: ooooooo
moominmolly: Driving with cherries
langli: Our first icecream this year
gabrielsaldana: Fast food for fast road
Sandersoni: Mobile barbecue sauce consumption
Indie Photos: I Loves Me Some Taco Bell
TJCoffey: Don't Eat and Drive
lille: driving while eating red mango
gritgoods: for Skippy's group
captainchaos2: DSC01812
non_stop: there's nothing funny about eating and driving...
TranquilCacophony: FRUSTRATION LIFE CHOCOLATE 15:365
dyn jaffar: eat while driving
vrkrebs: Media eating icecream (driver and photographer)
Jeremy Stockwell: Like Rainman...
Valerie Reneé: Breakfast on the Road
FaceMePLS: Faster Food
Gem Images: Eve and the Apple
dr.snitch: JunkPoet
randomstring: Idiot Prius Driver
Josh Sinn: What Can Brown Eat for You?
the.pinoyboy: 217/365 Driving while eating