Winnlan: Petal
Sandy Steinman: Thimbleberry/Rubus parviflorus
marlin harms: Tortured Tidepool
William Dunigan: Anza Borrego Desert State Park
Sandy Steinman: Mule Ears/Wyethia helenoides
Sandy Steinman: Brush Rabbits
Sandy Steinman: California Peony/Paeonia californica
Sandy Steinman: Hosackia stipularis
Kath's photos: More yellow flowers!
marlin harms: Amsinckia sp. Fiddlenecks Massed Above the Burned Shrubs
CALandscapeArt natura artis magistra: At home in the redwoods
eschweik: The Reef tiki bar
eschweik: The Reef tiki bar
Bill Bouton: Santa Catalina Mariposa Lily,Calochortus catalinae
marlin harms: Crab Spider on Tidy Tips
Winnlan: Undisturbed
Sandy Steinman: Lupine/ Lupinus sp.
Kath's photos: California Coast
Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): Albatrosses, skyline
Sandy Steinman: California Goldfields/Lasthenia californica
Kath's photos: Lower Yosemite Falls
marlin harms: Streptanthus glandulosus, Purple Jewelflower in Morning Dew
marlin harms: Bumble Bee with Morning Dew in Morning Glory Flower
Poppa Bear Burdon: Splendid isolation
CALandscapeArt natura artis magistra: Last Day of August Panorama
JKehoe_Photos: Fence lizard pair
Bill Bouton: Sunrise Santa Margarita,California
Sandy Steinman: MIssion Bells/Fritillaria affinis var. affinis