phil dokas: Sunrise
phil dokas: Haight & Fillmore
phil dokas: YH Beijing
phil dokas: Along the 22
phil dokas: Upper Playground
phil dokas: Idle Hand
phil dokas: The covid murals appear
phil dokas: I miss to go cocktails
phil dokas: If you lost your cheese wedge it's locked to this Jeep
phil dokas: This was a nice thing in the pandemic
phil dokas: It was a very good winter for sunrises
phil dokas: Divisadero Halloween
phil dokas: Fernet shots
phil dokas: Good night Space Claw
phil dokas: Morning progress
phil dokas: New mural in progres
phil dokas: Haight & Fillmore
phil dokas: Progress
phil dokas: Lower Haight mural
phil dokas: Good morning Lower Haight
phil dokas: Black Sands Brewery
phil dokas: Haight & Divis
phil dokas: TV monster
phil dokas: Lower Haight doing its best Outer Sunset
phil dokas: Nara
phil dokas: Lower Haight
phil dokas: The current guts of Greenburger
phil dokas: Black Sands mural in progress
phil dokas: Full swing
phil dokas: Tiny rainbows