adilsoncamargocordeiro: 12082018-DSC00116
grahamd4: just the spot
grahamd4: There be Dragons
grahamd4: farm house_1
grahamd4: Scotland Lochs
grahamd4: otter ferry scene
grahamd4: on the water
grahamd4: adeje beach
grahamd4: bird on the roof
grahamd4: Tenerife roof tops
grahamd4: lifesaver
grahamd4: big brother1
Andrew Impellizzeri Photography: opera house forecourt 3 b-w
grahamd4: Loch Katrine from summit of Ben An
WetPhotographer: Pleuronectiformes
amancalledalex: Light trails
WetPhotographer: Portunidae crab
WetPhotographer: Arrow crab
Carlos E. Gómez: Golden Gate Bridge in HDR
Andrew Impellizzeri Photography: ohares creek walk pano
Andrew Impellizzeri Photography: ohares creek walk 3
Carlos E. Gómez: August 21st., 2017 Solar Eclipse in USA
Asif Hasnat Monon: light trails
Andrew Impellizzeri Photography: georges river flower 7
igor shumega: DSC06611 c
igor shumega: DSC05841
igor shumega: DSC05481(1)1