* AnitarrR *: Escuela de calor
* AnitarrR *: All my ships have sailed away
* AnitarrR *: Yellow
* AnitarrR *: First flight
the Art of Waiting: tortuga ninja
the Art of Waiting: sota la lluna
the Art of Waiting: perseguint el llamp
* AnitarrR *: Little-Big Bee
Olgamay.: El Holocausto
Olgamay.: Los vagones de la muerte
* AnitarrR *: We set off that day...
* AnitarrR *: It's the nighttime
* AnitarrR *: Inside out...
nuriafono: peix
* AnitarrR *: She will have her way
the Art of Waiting: abans de ficar-nos a la gola de Dunloe
the Art of Waiting: dalt del cap del gegant...
* AnitarrR *: You always make me smile