Gary Chatterton 13 Million Views: Ottringham VOR Aircraft Navigation System, On The East Yorkshire Coast
Gary Chatterton 13 Million Views: Doppler VOR Navigation System, In The Early Morning Mist At Inverness Airport Scotland
Gary Chatterton 13 Million Views: Perth Airport (Scotland) Doppler VOR Navigation System
Andy and walks: DSC02963
Andy and walks: DSC02962
listorama: Lucin VORTAC... 20090515_9632
listorama: FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: Regional node amuses kids (20040626_8470)
Martin Berkeley: Brecon VOR
Tom_bal: VOR
rcsadvmedia: Greensboro VORTAC
Alex J Donohue: Daventry VOR, South Northamptonshire
Steven Pinker: closeup FAA VORTAC dome
k7mkg: Wilson Creek Vortac
gTarded: Boulder City VOR - McCarran Int'l Airport, NV USA
Claus Moser: Drehfunkfeuer VORTAC NTM, Nattenheim
John Oram: Cagnes-sur-Mer VOR (2) - 8 September 2013
Essex Explorer: Clacton VOR
nolan: Raleigh/Durham VORTAC (RDU)
Ahmad AlHoli: Wafra VOR
Ahmad AlHoli: Wafra VOR
Ahmad AlHoli: Wafra VOR
el_visigodo: P8030094
Ryan Van Veen Photography: Princeton VORTAC Station near Agate Mountain, Princeton, BC
arjay5020: Lübeck LUB VOR
arjay5020: Michaelsdorf MIC VOR
arjay5020: Michaelsdorf MIC VOR