sparth: group symmetry
jayteacat: Walking into Ravello through Olive Trees
francisco_osorio: CL Society 609: Older woman in market
jayteacat: In the Winter Garden
jayteacat: WAWAW
jayteacat: Walking the Wembley Way
jayteacat: Snow in the park
jayteacat: Liz and Luna by the columns
francisco_osorio: CL Society 458: Boy and star wars
francisco_osorio: CL Society 456: Carrying child on shoulders
jensen_chua: Runners at Kuta
francisco_osorio: CL Society 448: Chin
francisco_osorio: CL Society 453: Child resting on a different head
jayteacat: Waking up the day
jayteacat: On the Waterfront
jayteacat: Elevation
jayteacat: Hey Porter!
jayteacat: Wading across St. Marks Square
jayteacat: Leaving a trail
jayteacat: Hurrying to get in the queue to ascend
jayteacat: An evolution of walking
jayteacat: A view towards the Colosseum
jayteacat: Step down....
jensen_chua: Friends on wheels
jayteacat: Passagiata nella sera
jayteacat: Carabinieri
jensen_chua: Grow old together
jayteacat: Street Life