Tom Raftery: Another asshole parking in a disabled parking place
dramakarmar: disabled carparking
Tom Raftery: Then two
Tom Raftery: First One
simon.dummett: Naughty policepersons
Boriann: To make something very clear.
Tom Raftery: ¿Excepto Ambulancia?
Bob Gundersen: Parking Challenges
neiljohnuk: Disabled? Sorry the BBC got to these TWO bays first...
Tom Raftery: Car parked in disabled drivers' space, not displaying a disabled driver permit
Tom Raftery: Car parked in disabled drivers' space, not displaying a disabled driver permit
Tom Raftery: Two BMWs parked in disabled drivers spaces, neither displaying a disabled driver permit
neiljohnuk: No disabled badge, just lazy.
neiljohnuk: No Blue badge... No surprise...
neiljohnuk: Lazy Postal Worker again...
neiljohnuk: Lazy Postal workers!
neiljohnuk: NO blue badge...
neiljohnuk: Anal parking...
neiljohnuk: Lazy is NOT disabled!
neiljohnuk: BRITISH GAS disabled bay abuser...
neiljohnuk: DSC_0498-002
neiljohnuk: No disabled badge...
neiljohnuk: Post Office worker AGAIN!
neiljohnuk: Lazy bus drivers transport...