Portafolio Camilo Nivia: Valle de Tenza.
Portafolio Camilo Nivia: Tunja, Boyacá
Gray Moon Gallery: Mandela statue, Union Buildings, Pretoria
Portafolio Camilo Nivia: Armonio del maestro Luis Alberto Acuña
Jim Madis (Street art photos): BREST - "A tribute to Nelson Mandela"
R.C. Bailey's Art: Madiba by RC Bailey
Grinn2009: Mandela
Carsten Smithby - caschie - casby: Madiba Nelson Mandela
Russell Ballantyne Art: Nelson Mandela
Pan-African News Wire File Photos: Former President Nelson Mandela at the 2010 World Cup in the Republic of South Africa. He will celebrate his 92nd birthday on Sunday, July 18, 2010. He led the African masses to national liberation in 1994.
Pan-African News Wire File Photos: Former South African President Nelson Mandela and former President Fidel Castro in Cuba during 1991. Mandela praised the role of Cuba in the liberation of southern Africa.
*MODERN LIFE: Une pensée a Nelson Mandela
Archives de la Ville de Montréal: Nelson Mandela sur la scène du Champ-de-Mars à Montréal, 19 juin 1990
benjancewicz: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
KHEPRA DESIGN: Nelson Mandela II
gee-raff: Nelson Mandela @ 90
POINTIE: my drawings 003
Pan-African News Wire File Photos: Madiba Nelson Mandela turned 91 on July 18, 2009. The former President of the Republic of South Africa and ANC leader, was honored in Africa and throughout the world. Mandela was a political prisoner for over 27 years.
Hush Naidoo: Nelson Mandela ( Madiba) 1st SA Democratic President
Hush Naidoo: Nelson Mandela ( Madiba) 1st SA Democratic President 1