stegdino: underground_7160120_1
mirkuz: yellow line
Enrico Pretto: Fragilità - Fragility [Explored]
Simone Gul: Fragile? A chi?
Ambra_Tone!: Specchio dell'anima
Pakobis: Fragile...
corewar: #48: fragile
yorosco: fragile
Luciphoto: fragile
yellowmorning;: Hold back the harsh words for my fragile heart.
Colors in B&W: Fragility
Katia Di Ruocco: A kind of pale jewel open and closed ...
stegdino: fragile2011_7070104_1
Luciphoto: nuts
stegdino: Nocciole2011_7033102_1
Colors in B&W: Are you nuts? Yes, for chocolate!
Vane :): Are the artists nuts?
Lakota Kelevra: Are you nuts?
yorosco: nuts
romano carrattieri: are you nut with the nuts?
corewar: #47: nuts
rent-a-moose: 47_nuts
Enrica Brescia Photography: Tutti siamo nati matti. Qualcuno lo rimane.
Malakhi Helel: Are you nuts? Yes, I am.
yellowmorning;: Nuts, for you.