M-J 9 6: With one shoe
M-J 9 6: Lost shoe while dancing
M-J 9 6: Bartek
M-J 9 6: 162711b
M-J 9 6: Unexpected sighting
M-J 9 6: 11-1187-000701
M-J 9 6: OS101
M-J 9 6: poses to photograph with only one shoe on.
M-J 9 6: Alyssa
hunter77721: Tim one shoe
hunter77721: shoe in hole!
M-J 9 6: img_73042-2
M-J 9 6: 1_(3)
M-J 9 6: A walk with dog.
M-J 9 6: BjMoXypCIAAfp7F
M-J 9 6: one-shoe ride
M-J 9 6: lost a shoe
M-J 9 6: A croc stuck in mud
M-J 9 6: ComPYCIVMAArno3
M-J 9 6: BfAzMNHCIAAy2ve
M-J 9 6: 8722253235_035b135917_b
M-J 9 6: IMG_0491
M-J 9 6: CUqxAGyXIAIbAyH (2)
M-J 9 6: "lost shoe isn't important now!"
M-J 9 6: He lost his shoe somewhere
M-J 9 6: One-shoed runner
M-J 9 6: Where is Your shoe, boy?
M-J 9 6: boy on the tire swing
M-J 9 6: shoeless Alex