mmckinneyphoto: Flower and Bug Macro
mmckinneyphoto: Flower and Bug Macro
Grant Peier: Praying Mantis on Succulent
Grant Peier: Spider on Mushroom
El Cobrador: Western Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio rutulus)
pomarinejaeger: beda-m-eads-7-22-18-tl-01-cropvlarge
Michael Bateman: Pair of Mallards
alberto.zamprogna: Harmonia axyridis
alberto.zamprogna: Scatophaga stercoraria
alberto.zamprogna: Cantharis sp.
alberto.zamprogna: Female Araneus diadematus eating a fly
alberto.zamprogna: Lepidoptera
irenepthompson: 12 Spotted Skimmer
irenepthompson: Bees love those Wild Rose's
irenepthompson: Bee visiting white crocus
irenepthompson: A big Bee on a wild rose
Michael Bateman: With the Sun's Love, In the Spring
irenepthompson: Bee on a crocus flower
irenepthompson: Wee bee on a wood anemone
irenepthompson: Wee bee on a wood anemone
alberto.zamprogna: Syrphidae ( spring is back!)
adrian_nutter: unknown spider -
adrian_nutter: connected to the web
adrian_nutter: caterpillars hatching
adrian_nutter: spider on a nettle
irenepthompson: little white butterfly, little white zinnia
alberto.zamprogna: Messor spp.
alberto.zamprogna: Opilion with parasites