romasambrasas: Life…
CEB 1298: Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
CEB 1298: Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
jaytee27: Large Red Damselfly - First sighting of 2024
Abigail K Kenney: ICHNEUMON WASP IMG_6392-2
hedera.baltica: White-lipped snail
jeremie.gellie: Centrotus cornutus
Ferdinand23: Géomètre à barreaux.
CEB 1298: Cinnabar Moth (Tyria jacobaeae)
CEB 1298: Angle Shades (Phlogophora meticulosa)
Butterflies in Still Air: Archonias brassolis negrina (B00116, PE00123 A)
Abigail K Kenney: SPIDER cutie
letombe.elisabeth: PETITE NYMPHE DE FEU
hedera.baltica: Green shield bug
hedera.baltica: Grove snail
marypink: Coda di rondine verde
hughaber: Dagger Fly (Empis tessellata) 2019-05-15. Parc Slip, Aberkenfig, South Wales
jeremie.gellie: Polistes dominulus
jeremie.gellie: Atlantoraphidia maculicollis
Elisabeth patchwork: nature macro
danielled61: Ventouse
CEB 1298: Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
CEB 1298: Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
DaveSPN: On The Prowl
hughaber: Hoverfly (Myathropa Florea) 29-07-2017. Parc Slip Nature Reserve, Near Aberkenfig, South Wales.
john_trefonen: female Chocolate Mining bee?
Richard D McMellon: Eristalis pertinax
Shmoo Shots: Leopard Lacewing