Bhlubarber: Apricots in April
Bhlubarber: Scape Escape!
Bhlubarber: Parsons
Bhlubarber: Farming w/ Q
Bhlubarber: Fruit boxes on the orchard. #Similkameen
Bhlubarber: Heirlooms at Parsons
Bhlubarber: Arrival.
Bhlubarber: 450 lbs
Bhlubarber: Shvelisi garlic - it's a keeper!
Bhlubarber: Freshly picked, still warm from the sun.
Bhlubarber: Apricots on the Tree
Bhlubarber: Chard
Bhlubarber: Fresh BC Produce
Bhlubarber: Tree-Ripened Plums
Bhlubarber: Drone
Bhlubarber: Lone Scape Soldier
Bhlubarber: Stalker
Bhlubarber: Just Pulled
Bhlubarber: Petal Power
Bhlubarber: E-Scape Pods
Bhlubarber: Plenty
Bhlubarber: Warmed by Sun
Bhlubarber: Lurking Beneath
Bhlubarber: Scape Study
Bhlubarber: Picker's Height
Bhlubarber: Bumper crop of Parsons Farm cherries
Bhlubarber: Fruit bins at the ready for morning pickin'
Bhlubarber: A perfect, tree-ripened apricot ready to pick.
Bhlubarber: Delicious fresh picked 'cots from the orchard.
FJ Holden: dscn0240.jpg