sumansen_chem: Squirrel
sumansen_chem: Purple sunbird male
sumansen_chem: Pale-billed flowerpecker
sumansen_chem: Blue-eared kingfisher
sumansen_chem: Sangu river in Bandarban - বান্দরবান
sumansen_chem: Dancing bird of paradise
sumansen_chem: Art of nature
sumansen_chem: Sunset view at Kornofully river
sumansen_chem: Mountains view of Meghalaya India
sumansen_chem: Sylhet Sadapathor
sumansen_chem: Portrait
sumansen_chem: "Winter is not a season, it's a celebration."
michafink: Seeadler (Jungvogel) - White-tailed eagle (young bird)
michafink: Sumpfohreule
michafink: Grey Heron with Prey
michafink: Pfuhlschnepfe - Bar-tailed Godwit
michafink: Waldwasserläufer - Green Sandpiper - Tringa ochropus
michafink: The Throne of the Kingfisher Queen
sumansen_chem: Color of nature
michafink: Seeadler - White-tailed Eagle - Haliaeetus albicilla
michafink: An der Bruthöhle - At the nesting hole (June '23)
michafink: Aufstrebender Star - Rising Starling
michafink: Alcedo atthis
michafink: Gegenlicht - Backlight
michafink: Turmfalke - Kestrel
michafink: Turmfalke - Kestrel (August '22)
michafink: Neuntöter - Red-backed Shrike
sumansen_chem: Common bush hopper
sumansen_chem: Peacock Pansy
michafink: Baumpieper - Tree Pipit