Christian Gott: Cicada
Steven Haddix: Red winged blackbird
Roundy Photo: Bold Jumper
jamiecdavis: _DSC1645-Edit
jamiecdavis: Clematis
jamiecdavis: _DSC1687-Enhanced-NR-Edit
Christian Gott: Cicada
Mike J Conley: Wilson, the Barred Owl
gradeschoolpizza: Summer Tanager
61 South Outdoors: American Goldfinch
61 South Outdoors: American Goldfinch
gradeschoolpizza: Black and white warbler
back stage: Only oriole
Wildlife Gallery: CO4A5652-CR3_DxO_DeepPRIMEXD
tonydeancook: Big Morning
Wildlife Gallery: CO4A5659-CR3_DxO_DeepPRIMEXD
tonydeancook: Almost Shut In
tonydeancook: Arborial Elder
Wildlife Gallery: CO4A6929-CR3_DxO_DeepPRIMEXD
Wildlife Gallery: CO4A6948-CR3_DxO_DeepPRIMEXD
bryan hunt: the long walk home
jxu401: _Z8W0667 SW
angelmpictures: 010A8955
angelmpictures: 010A9155
angelmpictures: 010A9294
Steven Haddix: Blue dasher
Steven Haddix: Spring peeper