Datsundolly: "Caped Crusades" ii
Datsundolly: "Caped Crusades" iv
Datsundolly: "Love Hearts"
SuturaWorkshop: Ahsoka Tano
SuturaWorkshop: Ahsoka Tano
SuturaWorkshop: Ahsoka Tano
Bright Wish Kanzashi: 夏祭り: summer festival for iMda
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Strawberry dress
*Pueppilottchen*: Sewing for Blythes
Datsundolly: "Caped Crusades" (original var.)
Datsundolly: "Caped Crusades" (iii)
Bright Wish Kanzashi: A trio of witches: Percy, Haru, and Luna
Mar-i-sel: 20221010_141239
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Mirei and Kosuzu in kimono.
Crazyquilter: New dress!
Crazyquilter: New dress!
Crazyquilter: Mini Claudie is practicing her dance moves.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Luna in pink kimono.
Crazyquilter: Trying to choose
Crazyquilter: Working on school clothes
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Thistle in Purple Kimono (2)
Crazyquilter: Introducing Mini Claudie Wells
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Sage and Chrysanthemum (4)
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Tiny Dolls in Kimono
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Luna in orange kimono
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Briar and Robin (7)
Datsundolly: "Joie De Vivre"
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Red Kimono commission (1)
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Juniper in roh kimono.