agedsenator: Corricella harbor
Dave Linscheid: Sunset and Bethlehem Lutheran Church
FRANcisco (PortoPortugal): red petals ....(4823)
tommypatto : ~ IMAGINE.: ENAMEL SIGNS # 4.
agedsenator: Return from the sea
Spellbinder:: Peaks And Layers
FRANcisco (PortoPortugal): minimal nature ....(5276)
nuno140: A Forma Da Água
nuno140: Lac Léman
zecaruso: predator
... sometimes on, sometimes off ...: Up and down in San Francisco...
Valerio_D on holiday until June 6th: Londra, l'uscita dalla Liverpool Street Station sulla Bishopsgate
beachpeepsrus: Dawn. Alamitos Beach_dgp_pe
agedsenator: CECILIA
beverleyplaya: BOLERO . . .
agedsenator: fence
beachpeepsrus: Birds in Flight over Grissom Island
Outlaw Pete 65: Un treno per due
beverleyplaya: our life . . .
nuno140: Feliz Natal Feliz Navidad Joyeux Noel Merry Christmas Buon Natale Frohe Weihnachten Prettig Kerstfeest
Outlaw Pete 65: Carnevale di Bagolino I
Outlaw Pete 65: Fiore 294
FRANcisco (PortoPortugal): fallen ....(5223)
nuno140: Navegando
agedsenator: Procida terrace
... sometimes on, sometimes off ...: A very cold winter morning in Nuremberg .....
beverleyplaya: melting . . . in the heat of the sun
Dave Linscheid: Along the Creek