loafbuilds: Carcinisation
Space Glove: Task Management
Brick Brickolson: To be continued...
Fuzz-E: Tearful Reunion
loafbuilds: The Bloodsmith
VelociJACKtor: Crocodile Tears
MySnailEatsPizza: When Pigs Lie
Space Glove: Onion Onslaught
Brick Brickolson: Dead men don't sweat
Eero Okkonen: Hemogoblin
Just Torp: All I Wanna Be is Everything At Once
Cody Avery Builds: Septum: Asset-07
J6Crash: E Pluribus Unum
Axelford [002]: The Five Visitors
stereodd: Rice Raider
loafbuilds: Six Flags
SquaredMich: "Stop insisting Pluto, you're out! It's only the 8 of us now."
MAX-HOWELL: Boiling Frogs
Fuzz-E: 1988 Gordge Volonte SS
NOTaHFfan: Duplicity
Aiden.Builds: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Space Glove: LORD 50555255534841
!ggs: On The Fourth Day
woomy world: Libra Dragon
GiiKei: Demons to some, Angels to others.
Sam Gengo: Mother of the singularity, Queen of the Superficial
MySnailEatsPizza: Judge, Jury, Executioner
VelociJACKtor: Warden of the Nine Circles
Brick Brickolson: Unlucky seven-league boots