jessiemann1: DSCN5353
jessiemann1: DSCN5400
jessiemann1: DSCN5358
Les Piccolo: PIC4757
jessiemann1: Sparrow modeling.
Stefano B.54: Averla Meridionale - Lanius meridionalis - "In the sunset"
jessiemann1: DSCN5246
jessiemann1: DSCN5237
Stefano B.54: Ballerina Bianca - Motacilla alba
jessiemann1: DSCN5085
jessiemann1: Robin visiting today . Nikon p1000
jessiemann1: Top of the branch. Nikon P1000
jessiemann1: DSCN5057
jessiemann1: Sparrow resting on branch. Nikon p1000
jessiemann1: DSCN5043
jessiemann1: DSCN5118
Bernard Spragg: White Heron. NZ.
jessiemann1: A cardinal modeling after the sun dial.
jessiemann1: A dove in my backyard. Nikon P1000
jessiemann1: DSCN4829
Bernard Spragg: New Zealand Tui.
jessiemann1: The crow and the peanut. Nikon P1000
Bernard Spragg: Australian Pelican
Bernard Spragg: Spotted shags NZ
jessiemann1: DSCN4756
Stefano B.54: Cincia dal ciuffo - Lophophanes cristatus "The Crested Red"
Bernard Spragg: Silvereye or wax-eye
jessiemann1: DSCN4683
Bernard Spragg: White faced heron.(Ardea novaehollandiae)
jessiemann1: DSC09594