scandan780: White Pelicans
scandan780: Pied Billed Grebe
Caracalla9: Rose-breasted Grosbeak near jagiello statue.
scandan780: White Pelican
scandan780: Wood Stork
Caracalla9: Great crested Flycatcher at turtle pond.
scandan780: White Pelicans
Caracalla9: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher having lunch.
Frank Dohle: Verfegt Mitte April
Caracalla9: Hooded Warbler at Warblers rock.
Caracalla9: Female Cardinal and Tulips.
Juan Antonio Pulido Angel: Carraca Europea
Caracalla9: Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Cherry blossoms.
Caracalla9: Virginia bluebells flowers and Blue Jay.
weilock913: DSC08426
jackez2010: Hirondelle rustique A1_08243_DxO
Caracalla9: Yellow rumped Warbler forages at bunny hill.
Hemo Kerem: Israel
weilock913: DSC02471
Juan Antonio Pulido Angel: Mochuelo Europeo
Caracalla9: Palm Warbler grabs a bug in a bud.
Hemo Kerem: Tel Aviv
Caracalla9: Pine Warbler at the pool, Central park
Caracalla9: Winter Hazel flowers and Northern Cardinal
Hemo Kerem: Jerusalem
Caracalla9: European Starling and Tulips.
Caracalla9: Red-winged Blackbird feathers become gold.